Happy young woman pointing
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To flourish, bloom, progress

To create new possibilities

A warm welcome to you! ​Thank you for being here.

This is a creative and courageous space for you to explore how to move from ​constant struggling to prove your worth to thriving. To shift from being stuck to ​trailblazing, creating new possibilities in your life and making a positive

impact in the lives of others.

Would you just love to...

Break free from people pleasing?

Say goodbye to self-sabotage?

Silence the inner critic that insists you’re not

good enough?

Stop the spiral of negative thought patterns?

Beautiful Happy Asian Woman Smiling and Looking Aside


If your answer is YES then it will be ​privilege to partner with you through ​professional coaching.

Partnering with a professional coach ​is a creative and thought-provoking ​process that can create clarity of what ​actions you can take to achieve your ​goals and live out your full potential.

Student Writing on Notebook During Online Class

Individuals who partnered with ​professional coaches report​ benefits and positive impacts of ​coaching like 1) increased self-​esteem/self-confidence; 2) ​improved work/life balance; and ​3) increased well-being.

How we can work together

With my body of work on women's empowerment and ​trauma-informed coaching certification, I can support ​you by creating a safe and non-judgmental space for ​you to explore limiting beliefs and generate new ​insights about your situation. I can also help you in

  • Uncovering what's holding you back from ​achieving your goals
  • Challenging discrimination and inequalities in ​personal and professional contexts
  • Mapping out solutions and strategies based on ​your values, strengths and resources
  • Breaking down your action plan into smaller, more ​manageable steps to move you closer to what you ​want in your life.
Beautiful Happy Asian Woman Laughing While Posing with Hands Her Chest

About Me

Imagine a violence-free world where women and children are

empowered to live out their full potential and

make a unique mark in the world.

Hello, I'm Pamela and I've been at the forefront of this work for over 15 years --- working in the United Nations, advocating for investments in trauma-informed care and support for survivors and catalyzing collective change through community mobilization.

This commitment stems from being scarred by multiple types of abuse during my childhood and adolescence. It negatively impacted how I perceived myself and my ability to have healthy and nurturing relationships.

What propelled my personal journey of healing was a compassionate life coach in a group coaching context. She created a safe space for me to acknowledge that it was not my fault and to let go of the awful weight of the shame that I've been carrying around.

This cemented my decision to build on my social work educational background and women's empowerment work and equip myself to be a certified trauma-informed life coach who can help other women create breakthroughs in their lives and unlock their capacities to shape their future and create a positive difference through their chosen area of passion and advocacy.



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I’m looking forward to working with ​you for the journey ahead!

EMAIL ME AT ​pamelamarie.godoy@gmail.com